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Spring Bouquets

Spring Bouquets


Looking for the first spring and summer blooms in a bouquet subscription that will showcase the best of spring flowers? Our Spring Bouquet Subscription offers a carefully curated selection of spring blooms and fresh flowers, all grown on our mid-Michigan farm. Each bouquet will include a stunning variety of freshest and most exciting Spring flowers.


This 4 bouquet subscription will include our earliest bloomers.  Bouquets are dependent on the weather and our spring blooms. So we have to be flexible to what spring weather brings us. We can start as early as April with a gorgous narcissus bouquet. These are first big blooms of the season and when they come in they come in with a bang! We have a small pause as we wait for ranunculus and anemone to bloom. Anemone come first in late May and are followed by an explosion of ranunculus. Along with these gorgeous focal blooms, bouquets will include the most amazing early blooming flowers (dianthus, delphinium, Lupine, baptisia, etc..)  Our grand finale will include our most spectacular Peony.   


These wrapped bouquets reflect the vibrancy and beauty of the early season. Our Spring Bouquet Subscription is the ideal choice for those who love the colorful spring flowers. Order now and enjoy the best of the season in every bouquet!

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  • How it works

    Bouquets will be available when the spring blooms arrive. Spring is the hardest season to predict so we all need to flexible. When the flowers come on, they come fast and glorious. 

    This subscription includes 4 bouquets. The first will be long stemmed narcissus. This is likely in  late April.  We take a pause for most of May and then the explosion of anemone, ranunculus an peony. We anticipate a mid to late May start for the 3 remaining bouquets. We finish with our peony blooms and campanula.   This truely is a shared harvest.

  • Bouquet Subscription Policy

    1. Subscription Period:


    Our Spring Bouquet Subscription program operates on a seasonal basis, with 4 guaranteed bouquets.


    2. Flower Bouquets:


    Subscribers will receive four fresh, locally grown flower bouquets.

    The bouquets will feature a variety of seasonal blooms and foliage and represent the best of our seasonal flower crop.


    3. Pickup/Delivery Options:


    Subscribers can choose between pick-up and delivery.

    We have pick-up locations at Phillips Cider Mill in St. Johns, Pleasant City Coffee in Mount Pleasant, and at FlowerBird Farm in Mount Pleasant.

    Delivery is offered in Mount Pleasant proper for a fee per bouquet. This must be selected at the time of purchase. 

    Pickup and delivery will be communicated via text or email.


    4. Payment Terms:


    Full payment for the entire subscription period is required at the time of sign-up.

    We accept credit/debit cards, PayPal and ApplePay.

    No credit will be given for missed subscription days and times.


    5. Membership Transfers:


    If subscribers are unable to pick up their bouquet/s the bouquet can be transfered to a designated person (with prior notice). The designee must adhere to the existing schedule. Bouquets not picked up during the designated pick-up or drop-off times will be donated or composted.


    6. Cancellation Policy:


    Refunds are not provided for canceled subscriptions.

    In exceptional cases, a pro-rata credit for the remaining weeks may be issued if the cancellation is due to unforeseen circumstances.


    7. Communication:


    Subscribers will receive a welcome email with details about the start date, pick-up information, and contact details.

    Updates and important information will be communicated through  text or email.


    8. Additional Flower Availability:


    Bouquet subscribers may have the opportunity to purchase additional flowers or specialty bouquets. 


    9. Weather and Crop Variability:


    Weather conditions and crop availability can impact the timing of the the subscription and the specific blooms available during the subscription period. In early spring, the varieties and blooms available are less predictable (but really amazing). We appreciate your understanding if there are variations in the schedule and in the individual bouquets.


    12. Terms and Conditions:


    By joining our Flower Bouquet Subscription program, you agree to our terms and conditions.


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